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Kladno Energy Businesses (KEB) wants to be a good member of the community

KEB is the group of companies with a strong sense of social responsibility, and as such it is striving to provide assistance in instances, which it believes are meaningful and which are within its capabilities.

KEB runs a long-term Sponsorship Program which is focused on 4 basic areas: charity&health care, education, the arts and sport. Most of Sponsorship Program Projects are located in Kladno area. Since 2000 more than 25 mil. CZK was distributed to the KEB SP Projects.


Children’s Rehabilitation Welfare Institution “Zvonek” in Kladno provides handicapped children with comprehensive rehabilitation care to integrate them into normal life. The Welfare Institution looks after more than 40 children with various handicap types and degrees – the children communicate with difficulties and are sensorily, motionally or mentally handicapped, emotionally deprived or autistic.  KEB also helps the private special school “Sun” and “ROSA” Centre of Endangered Children and is a partner of the organization providing its services to physically handicapped people round the clock.

KEB also supports the Third Age University – two-year education courses for seniors and the Old People's Home in Kladno. The Third Age University is a special education project, which has been organized by the “Fountain” Centre for Comprehensive Social Care under the auspices of the City of Kladno. The financial supports provided by KEB are designed for example for the remuneration to trainers, library equipment, purchase of computers and teaching aids.

KEB is also a general partner of the Old People’s Home in Kladno, which was founded by the City of Kladno. Over a few years of mutual cooperation, KEB has provided this organization with its financial support in the order of hundreds of thousands of Czech crowns.  The financial support has for example covered the purchase of rehabilitation equipment, high-quality beds with adjustable grating and health mattresses, a portion of purchase costs of two cars and special courses for the Old People’s Home personnel,  conducted by a clinical psychologist  and contributing to  an improvement of their work with seniors.

The Arts

KEB has also been a long-standing partner of the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Kladno in organizing cultural and social events, such as the Traditional Days of the City of Kladno and celebration of St. Laurence Holiday. Last year, there was a new Project, called “Industrial Traces”, and within this Project, KEB provided its financial supports to the events of the Way of Cross,  Keys from Koněv Fortress, and in particular, to the exceptional Mayrau Concert, where in the chain locker room area located in the Mining Outdoor Museum of the former Mayrau Mine, the Czech Chamber Philharmonic and members and soloists of the Prague Philharmonic Choir gave their concert. Other necessary funds are traditionally donated by KEB to the Central Bohemian Theatre in Kladno for premieres and other events, such as the “Small Kladno Dionysia”, when – similarly to the times of ancient Greece – three teams consisting of the stage director, dramatic adviser, graphic artist and actors, contested for the audience favour.


KEB supports a number of projects, organized by the Kladno Grammar School, particularly concerning the environment, social area and foreign language classes.

Furthermore, KEB is a general partner of the Kladno branch of the Financial and Administrative University and Power Engineering Faculty of the Czech Technical University.


KEB also significantly supports the Kladno sports – its name and logo are born on the sports dresses of the extra league street hockey team HBC KEB Kladno and of the multiple winner of the junior ice hockey extra league - HC KEB Kladno, which is a cradle of young hockey talents who are successful both in the Czech Republic and overseas. The career of the latest Czech holder of the Stanley Cup – František Kaberle started right there.

The latest sport project which KEB has associated its name with is the Kladno in-line skating track. Thanks to the KEB financial supports, a lighting system was constructed there to improve the safety and overall use of the in-line skating track. This year, four first racing events of this dynamically developing sport have been held there.


KEB considers its relationship with the nearest neighbours to be very important, and as such, KEB helps the municipal districts of Dubí and Dříň. Within its cooperation with the City of Kladno, KEB has among others helped the City reconstruct the football field at Dubí, organize living in the open for nursery schools of Dubí and Dříň and carry out landscaping modifications in the “Na šestém” area.